Stasi Starmer & 2024 UK Riots Memes
The party of 'change' quickly transforms the UK into a police state...
Well-meaning muppets march toward a mostly fictional 'far-right' bogeyman, while the empire crumbles and reckless foreign policy edges us closer to mutual assured destruction.
I think it was the above collage that got me temporarily booted off Twitter X (including a backup account where I also shared it)...
The party of 'change' quickly transformed the UK into a police state, employing the various state apparatus to target regime critics, while actual criminals get off lightly… They gave pay rises to bribe the public-sector & loyal unions, but the marginalised white working-class became the scapegoats of this new dystopia...
Those supposedly anti-fascist groups have long been co-opted... Hope-not-Hate's links to intelligence agencies are well documented, and Socialist Worker were part of a campaign to push covid shots to the developing world for reasons of ‘equity’ (to be paid for by Western taxpayers).
Starmer Says Country Needs 'A Bigger Reset'
Two Tier Britain…